Dyslexia Awareness
and Other Services
We Provide
Did You Know...
These famous dyslexics managed to overcome the odds and succeed in life.
If your child has dyslexia, do not despair.
Warning Signs of Dyslexia

Elementary School
In High School
All of the listed symptoms plus:

For All Ages
Education history similar to above, plus:
Barton Reading & Spelling System

Dyslexia Specialist and Tutoring Source
PACE Tests look at students underlying cognitive skills and provide valuable information about a child's learning skills but are not used for diagnoses such as LD, ADD, or dyslexia. However, keep in mind we do screen for dyslexia using tools unique to your individual needs.
Pace improves concentration, memory, visualization, integration, and processing speed and makes them all more automatic, making learning easier, faster, and more enjoyable.
Other Services: